Episode 5: Inclusive Digital Finance for Equitable Economic Development

The digital revolution is radically changing the global payment landscape; harnessing open technology for the benefit of more segments of society remains key to the realization of the SDGs.
Episode 4: ESG, Capital Markets, and Impacts

As decision-makers remain laser-focused on fixing the climate crisis and the ills of social inequality, ESG considerations are no longer side issues.
Episode 3: DEI Modeling for Policymaking

From social justice to public health, the increasingly complex nature of society means policy questions are becoming more difficult to address.
Episode 2: Trade, Supply Chains, and Inclusive Development

Recent COVID-19-induced supply chain disruptions have reinforced the importance of trade in the global economy. Trade policy in the post-pandemic era must improve the lot of marginalized groups.
Episode 1: Intergenerational Economic Mobility

High income gaps restrict socioeconomic mobility of the less well-off; fixing underlying structural economic issues is key.